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California Burning

By Glen Still

Cali is burning
It's a mode of operation
The el-natural
It's only the immigrants
That can't accept it

As a native I know better
Then to build my house
On firewood and tinder
But to those dollar chasers
From New Jersey and middle America
That think they can contain Mother Nature
Well you know the old adage you can't fool that bitch
She slaps down a hard ruler
But a fool will try anything
In ignorance of the momentum
Trying to establish the facade of social stature

California is burning
The Santa Ana's bring the wind
Spread the flame
It's been like this since before the Spanish
Started killing Indians

It ain't gonna stop
Just cause you build your Ponderosa
On some hillside
You're a fuckin' idiot
Looking for sympathy
You should be arrested and sent to prison
For putting your pet in the path of harm's way

Cali is burning
It's been that way since well
Since I can remember
And as a native
I am smart enough to know
You can't fool Mother Nature
You can only fool yourself with your own stupidity
Thinking you can control something like the Cali Dream
Evidently you don't know California
You ain't a child of these hills

Now we have to pay for your lack of common sense
You stupid rich mother fucker burning up more dollars
Exacting sympathy from the federal government
This is not a disaster
It's just famous mother fuckers being stupid
Thinking they can tame California

But as a native I will shed a little wisdom
Don't build here next year
I will try and school you
Learn the lesson
Respect where you plant your fuckin' feet

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