By Catherine Zickgraf
I am the prison
you locked me inside.
-----And only you came to visit
-----then fucked me till full.
And I still need your torture
to burn through my veins.
Yes, I am little.
I climb into your hand.
-----Tell me a story, Daddy.
-----suffocate and caress me.
Yes, I am perverse.
So purify your whore.
In horror I’ll hide
where I know you’ll find.
-----In this corner I’ll read
-----your ancient Book.
I was pure, barefoot, and content.
But beauty is irrelevant—
words change meaning as I form them.
Oh encager, I don’t want
release from this womb.
I’m warm and tiny, and
that world would swallow me.
So beat me and break me,
but hold me, Daddy.